General information

Premiere ODE by Catherine Gaudet

ODE by Catherine Gaudet, 3rd artist in the Long-Term Residency Program – CCOV Productions June 1, 2 and 4 at Théâtre Duceppe during FTA 2024.  Infos

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Newcomer to the CCOV Board of Directors

Montréal, November 24, 2024, The CCOV is pleased to announce that Gladys Caron has joined its Board of Directors. Gladys Caron is Vice-President Medias, Communications and Public Affairs at Investissement Québec. Read the press release Board …

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As you browse through “CONSTELLATION”, you’ll discover the names of the 500 artists and collaborators who have taken part in the 160 activities offered by the organization since its launch in 2016! Behind these names and events, careers, …

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Ohakwaront – 2nd edition

This year, Ohakwaront takes place from May 22 to 26. It’s an opportunity for the participating artists to enjoy an invaluable week to all collaborate together or in small groups as required. The week will …

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Welcome to the new Curator: Samantha Hinds

We are delighted to announce the arrival of Samantha Hinds aka Sam I Am Montolla as the new artistic curator 2023-2026. She succeeds Andrew Tay (2017-2020) and Nate Yaffe and Hanako Hoshimi-Caines (2020-2023). She will officially assume her curatorial duties in September 2023.

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Appel à candidatures / Penpals – Relations épistolaires Montréal – Glasgow

We are looking for two Montreal based artists to take part in a sharing of ideas and approaches around questions of wellbeing in artistic practice with artists based in Glasgow, Scotland. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT …

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Newcomers to the CCOV Board of Directors!

Robert Côté, President of the Board and Paul Caskey, Executive Director of the CCOV are pleased to announce the addition of three new directors to its Board of Directors: France Desharnais, Stephane Moraille and Sonia …

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IN MY BODY wins 4 Dora Mavor Moore Awards !

IN MY BODY wins 4 Dora Mavor Moore Awards ! The annual Dora Mavor Moore Awards celebrate excellence on Toronto stages and are the oldest and largest professional theatre, dance and opera awards program in Canada. Here are …

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RHYTHM IS A GENERATOR Workshop to bring Judo and Writing / Storytelling in dialogue A project initiated by Alanna Kraaijeveld, in collaboration with the CCOV   Workshop over 2 days: Saturday August 6 and 13 2022, …

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Call for participants

Workshop to bring wrestling and vocal technique in dialogue    A project by Alanna Kraaijeveld, in collaboration with the CCOV Two workshop days: Saturday July 16 and 23, 2022 from 10 a.m. DAY 1: WRESTLE …

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