Associate artists

The Centre de Création O Vertigo – CCOV brings a unique combination of experimentation and innovation to dance creation and production.

The Associate Artists program has been created to support promising artists by providing them with the administrative and logistical resources needed to achieve their creation, production and presentation objectives.


Choreographer – Associate artist
Gorgeous Tongue (2024)
Them Voices (2021)
Windigo (2018)
Visit Lara Kramer‘s website


Laborious songs (2020) &
I cried with the dogs (2020)
Choreography by Daina Ashbee
Co-producer : CCOV

Le Cri des méduses (2018) by Alan Lake
L’effritement des parades (2021)
Co-producer : CCOV

Visit Alan Lake Factori(e)‘s website

Photo : Nicolas-Padovani Interprète: Odile Amelie Peters