Vitrine – Nien Tzu Weng

publié le dans Explorer

15e édition du FTA – Festival TransAmériques
Invitation vitrine non-officielle – Nien Tzu Weng (Programme Artistes émergent.e.s du CCOV*)

Vendredi 28 mai, 14h (heure de Montréal)

The lightest dark is darker than the darkest light
Création en cours / 30 – 40min

« An engagement with artificial eyes and lights in the darkness.
There are shadows, they support the act of listening.
Letting the invisible pass through the body.
There are non-linear lines, traveling and searching connections.

Finding space to soften intensity.

It is a playful process of merging realities.
It is a place to reveal and shine on the rawness and vulnerability.

A dialogue between internal complexity and external emptiness.

This is an experimentation with a body, artificial lights, ropes, and a camera in a dark space. Shifting perspectives between the process of live performance making and live streaming performance. Practice/research on framing actions and sharing intimacy with a distance, and how to touch and trigger sensorial experience with the viewer from different live realities. »

*Le Programme Artistes émergent.e.s du CCOV a pu voir le jour grâce au précieux soutien de La Banque royale du Canada / RBC.